sábado, 9 de noviembre de 2019


The apostle Paul and Silas , his companion, went to prison to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. Even if they were in prison, the Holy Spirit was with them and encouraged them to be happy to suffer for Jesus. It was late at night, when they were praising God, with songs and prayers. Suddenly, there was an earthquake and the foundations of the prison shook as the doors opened. The jailer who was responsible for the prisoners knew that if any of them fled, he would have to account for his own life. Seeing the doors open, he was so full of dread that he drew his sword to kill himself. Paul immediately shouted: "Do not do yourself any harm, for we are all here" (Acts 16:28).                The jailer never saw such a thing; the open prison and the prisoners without fleeing. Seeing that those men were of God, he fell to his knees before them telling them; “What must I do to be saved?” (Acts 16:30).     
This is a question that every human being must ask himself: "What must I do to be saved?" Paul's response was direct, clear and simple: "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved " ( Acts 16:31).   

The formula is very simple. It does not depend on complicated scientific formulas. It does not need religious rules and dogmas. It does not depend on penances. It is not based on philosophical theories. Simply enough to believe in Jesus. He is the means, he is the way and the only Savior. He is the bridge of union with God. In summary: “And in no other is there salvation; because there is no other name under heaven, given to men, in which we can be saved ” (Acts 4:12).                  
How easy is salvation! It just depends on believing in Jesus. By the cross, he united us to God.    
  Look at the side picture: A bridge was placed over the abyss of sin. You can now reach God and return to Paradise. He does not need to remain a prisoner in the abyss of sin. A way back was opened through the cross. You and I can approach Him and say: "Our Father." Heaven is within our reach:             
“The name of Jesus gives me access to the Father. His ear, his heart, are open to my weakest supplication, and He supplies my deepest needs ” (Faith and works, 110).   
The first and great step to salvation is to accept Christ as our Savior. After accepting it, we will take the second step.  

When I believe in Jesus as my Savior, I feel a sinner before Him. What to do with my sins? I must repent. But what is regret? Repentance, first of all it is to recognize my sins, my mistakes, my faults and transgressions of the law of God. That leads me to be sad for sinning. I feel like changing my life. That leads me to confess my faults, transgressions and mistakes. Then I take the third step called confession.                


Confession relieves us. We get a bundle of our conscience. There are people who heal from certain diseases when they confess. We find a remarkable example of repentance and confession in the life of King David. He committed a terrible sin. After falling into himself and seeing the evil of his sin, he made an open confession pleading for God's mercy. This is related in Psalm 51. David implores: “Have mercy on me, O God, according to your mercy; according to the multitude of your piety, erase my rebellions. Wash me more and more of my evil, and cleanse me of my sin. Because I recognize my rebellions, and my sin is always before me. Against you, against you I have only sinned, and I have done evil in front of your eyes ... ”The whole chapter 51, is a plea for forgiveness, trusting only in the mercy of God.                       
And God listened, attended David's confession prayer and forgave his sin. " But he who confesses and departs (forsakes sin) will attain mercy" (Proverbs 28:13).     
Through confession, we reach God's forgiveness, which "will bury our iniquities, and cast all our sins deep into the sea " ( Micah 7:19). Now we will take the fourth step towards heaven.   


Conversion is the greatest miracle operated in the sinner's life. It is the result of the work of the Holy Spirit. That miraculous transformation changes the direction of our life and therefore of our destiny. It alters our pattern of behavior and changes the way we think and act.      
Jesus explained to Nicodemus what conversion is. Nicodemus was at first without understanding. Jesus said to him: “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who is not born again cannot see the kingdom of God. Nicodemus said to him: How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time in his mother's womb, and be born? Jesus answered: Verily, verily, I say to you, he who is not born of water and the Spirit cannot enter into the kingdom of God ”( John 3: 3-6). Christ showed that there is a spiritual birth that transforms the person. To understand better, Jesus illustrated that spiritual transformation, with the action of the wind, that we do not see, but we feel its effects.               
The performance of the Holy Spirit in the heart is invisible as the wind, however, sensitive and powerful. He who opens the mind for the Holy Spirit to penetrate, will feel an inner change, a force that attracts him to Jesus, a desire to seek the kingdom of God, pleasure in studying the Bible and a yearning to speak with God.    
You are here, you were certainly influenced by the Holy Spirit to come to this meeting. He speaks to us in a soft, intimate, almost imperceptible, but sensitive voice.  
Conversion is change of direction. We were going on a path that leads to perdition, when the Holy Spirit guided us and showed the true path, we returned in the opposite direction. That is called conversion.    

Our course is now heaven. Guided by the Holy Spirit and enlightened by the Word of God the Holy Bible, we are following Jesus on the path that leads to eternal glory.  


The order of the steps does not always obey the numerical order, sometimes the steps are simultaneous. As is the case with justification, which must have occurred at the moment when the sinner accepted Christ as his Savior and confessed to Him all his sins. At that time he was forgiven and justified.    
When someone with the eyes of faith contemplates the cross and sees Jesus, the Innocent there, dying for their sins; he believes in the sacrifice of Christ, he is attracted to that love, he gives himself to Him and falls prostrate at his feet, begging for his mercy, his forgiveness; at that time he is forgiven and justified. Justification is achieved by faith, in the sacrifice of Christ, who paid our guilt with his own blood. He did everything for me, I just need to believe and accept his forgiveness, his justice. He forgives me of grace, because he loves me and I must correspond to that great love.      
He who is forgiven and justified feels that his being is flooded by a wave of peace. The apostle Saint Paul said: "Justified, then, by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ" (Romans 5: 1).     
A heavenly joy, an inner joy takes possession of the justified Christian. He is free from the condemnation of sin, was relieved of the guilt that oppressed him. He feels free and happy now, enjoying the peace of heaven. That peace that so many people yearn for, that without Christ nobody reaches it.      
The Christian is the happiest creature in this world, because he is free from the condemnation of sin, free from vices, feels peace in his heart and a great joy because he attained eternal life in Christ.
Looking up with his eyes fixed on Jesus, he continues towards the target that is salvation, following the path of life.


There is great joy in walking on the path of heaven. We reach the joy of the soul and the happiness of those who are saved in Jesus. With joy we follow the Master. His presence is light, peace and happiness.      
Following Jesus means walking on the path He walked, following in his footsteps, doing his will, keeping his commandments. He will lead us along a high and sublime path that will lead us to a break from glory.    

With Jesus by our side, when we stumble, He protects us; When we fall, he lifts us. The road is ascending, there are obstacles and dangers, but his strong arm protects us.  


This is the final stage. It is the arrival at the heavenly port. It is the moment of victory. This stage will only be reached on the occasion of Christ's glorious return to earth, which will come to seek his redeemed. We will study more details of this matter in an upcoming dissertation.        
We all want to go to heaven. If there were any place in the world with a ladder that reached the sky, we would all want to climb it. That ladder exists, but it is not physical, but spiritual and you can climb it. She contains many bleachers, but we select just seven, for being the most prominent.      
Observe and see what stage you are in. He certainly wishes to be in heaven one day with Jesus. For this, the first step is to accept Christ as your Savior. He invites you today to take that first step. If you wish, give your heart to Jesus and He will accept it as it is. By accepting Christ, you are accepting heaven.          
Pray: Dear God, we want to deliver our imperfect heart to you. We ask that you transform it into a heart of love. We want to love you and live closer to you every day. Give us strength to climb the steps of the stairs leading to your kingdom. May your Holy Spirit illuminate our path. We ask in the name of the Lord Jesus. Amen!.    

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