sábado, 30 de noviembre de 2019


Matthew 6: 14-15
“14 For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you; 15 more if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. ”
One of the most difficult things for the human being is to convey forgiveness. In fact, forgiveness can be categorized as an act of faith, since our feelings refuse to grant it. It is not logical to forgive the one who has betrayed us, who abused our trust, who robbed us, wounded, insulted, defamed, etc.
I believe that no person is worthy of forgiveness, but the great teaching that the Lord gives us is that He forgives us anyway, not because we deserve it, but because He is a merciful God who extends His forgiveness without limits.
The best medicine for humans is forgiveness. Stronger chains break through it. The safest doors are only opened by forgiveness. The biggest walls are forgiven by forgiveness. There is nothing that compares to him, and the best way to know him is through the work of Jesus on the Cross.
1. Recognize the need to forgive
There is no person who can tell God that he does not need His forgiveness, since all without exception have sinned and rebelled against God's commands. But if you want God to extend His forgiveness over your life, you must also be able to pass it on to others. Jesus' first words on the Cross were: "... Father, forgive them, because they do not know what they are doing" (Luke 23: 34a).
It is important to understand that the most interested in not unleashing forgiveness is the adversary, because he knows that all the time that the human being allows resentment in his heart, he will be detained in the past and that mark of the offense will never allow him to extend forward.
When genuine forgiveness is transmitted, the pause is removed from our life and freedom comes to move forward.
2. Forgiveness frees you from guilt
Many people say they do not feel the desire to forgive, and this is because forgiveness is not a feeling, but a decision of the heart. We do not forgive people because they deserve it, but because that is what Jesus would do in our place. That speaks of having the character of Christ within us. If we can forgive small offenses, we will be ready to forgive those that seem great to us.
No matter how big or small our lack or sin may seem, God is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all evil, and this happens when we confess our iniquity and take it to the Cross. It is time that you can shed all burdens and burdens, because there is no condemnation for those in Christ (Romans 8: 1).

3. Confess that you have forgiven
Sometimes there is no need to confess forgiveness to the other person, because forgiveness is one-sided.
You should make a prayer by naming the person who offended you (although it may not be present), forgive and bless her. Possibly when you make this decision, the enemy will speak to your mind to try to relive the moments of anguish or affront that you lived because of your aggressor, but do not accept these thoughts since having confessed and extended forgiveness, you were already free.
Once you forgive your heart, it is not necessary for you to do it again; Just confess it over and over again and thank God for His forgiveness. The offense is a debt and forgiveness is its cancellation.

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