4 ways to find joy in testing
Too often Christians seem to
face difficulties and troubles. Why? And what does the Bible say
about how to survive and grow through them?
James, the stepbrother of Jesus
Christ, wrote a letter of exhortation and support for scattered Christians
whose lives were not easy.
In the first chapter of James's
letter, he addressed situations that Christians face and have the potential to
discourage or lead them to depart from the faith. The first topic is
testing on a personal level. We all have evidence from time to time in our
lives. They can be financial evidence caused by the loss of a job,
illness, a car or appliance breakdown. They can be situations in our
relationships with our partner or children, a serious health problem or even
the death of a loved one.
When these things happen, it's
understandable that we often look only at the downside of the evidence. They
can discourage us and make us simply want to give up. But James wrote:
"My brothers, take great joy when you meet various trials" (James 1:
Do I enjoy testing?
"Take for joy"? Did
Santiago live on another planet? Did he live in wonderland? How can
you be joyful with something that brings us anguish, affliction and pain? Did
you think that Christians should be masochists?
No, he was not saying that we
should enjoy misery.
Yes, trials are painful, but
going through them brings us valuable lessons that can strengthen our character
and bring spiritual growth. The apostle Peter wrote the following:
"In which you rejoice,
although now for a little while, if necessary, you have to be afflicted in various
tests, so that your faith may be put to the test, much more precious than gold,
which although perishable is tested with Fire, may it be found in praise, glory
and honor when Jesus Christ is manifested, whom you love without having seen
him, in whom believing, although now you do not see him, you rejoice with
ineffable and glorious joy ”(1 Peter 1: 6-8).
Although, realistically,
sometimes the joy comes but later, when the test is over. The author of
the book of Hebrews said: “It is true that no discipline at present seems to be
a cause of joy, but of sadness; but afterwards it yields the peaceful
fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained in it ”(Hebrews 12:11).
Many people have said after a
test: "It is good that I have had to go through that difficult experience,
although I would not like to have to go through it again."
James wrote: “knowing that the
test of your faith produces patience. But let his complete work have
patience, so that you may be perfect and complete, without lacking anything
”(James 1: 3-4).
The apostle Paul added: “And
not only this, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation
produces patience; and patience, test; and proof, hope ”(Romans 5:
Trials and difficulties are a
reality of this life. It happens to everyone, even those who are trying to
live a good life. "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the
Eternal will deliver him from all of them" (Psalms 34:19). But if we
realize that they are valuable lessons that we can learn as we go through them,
then we can turn a negative experience into a positive one.
It is through these trials that
we learn to seek God to provide for us and guide us. It helps us hone and
build the kind of character we need in order to enter the Kingdom of God . And
through internal reflection and examining our motives and actions, we can be
wiser in the way we live our lives.
The psalmist said: "It is
good for me to have been humiliated, so that I may learn your statutes"
(Psalms 119: 71).
Four steps we must follow
The Bible tells us what we must
do to survive the tests and learn from them. Consider these four steps:
1. Pray that you can learn from
the test and don't be discouraged.
Depression and discouragement
are common problems that people have during testing times. In some cases,
they don't see the reason why it's happening to them. Suddenly they have
been trying to live a decent life and at that moment something bad happens.
"Beloved, do not be
surprised by the trial fire that has come upon you, as if something strange is
happening to you, but rejoice because you are partakers of the sufferings of
Christ, so that also in the revelation of his glory you rejoice with great
joy" (1 Peter 4: 12-13).
Santiago added that while we
are in that trial period, we must ask God to show us what we can or need to
learn from it. "And if any of you lacks wisdom, ask God, who gives
abundantly and without reproach, and it will be given to him" (James 1:
There are several things that
we can learn from trials, such as the need to draw closer to God to help and
guide us. A very important lesson that He wants us to learn is to depend
less on us and more on Him.
Trust in the Eternal with all
your heart, And do not lean on your own prudence. Recognize him in all
your ways, And he will straighten your paths. Don't be wise in your own
opinion; Fear the Eternal, and turn away from evil ”(Proverbs 3: 5-7).
2. Pray that you will be guided
as you exit the test and to ask for help and realize if there were things you
did to make this come to you or that could cause it to happen again.
Not only is there a cause for
every problem, there are also solutions for most. God can show us how to
solve them without compromising with what is right. We have to go to Him
to get those answers.
"The righteous cry out,
and the Lord hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles" (Psalms
The apostle Paul told the
Corinthians that although God allows Christians to go through difficulties, He
also provides them with an appropriate way of escape without having to
“No temptation has overtaken
you that is not human; But God is faithful, who will not allow you to be
tempted more than you can resist, but He will also give with the temptation the
way out, so that you can endure "(1 Corinthians 10:13).
Peter wrote: "The Lord
knows how to deliver the godly from temptation, and reserve the unjust to be
punished on the day of judgment" (2 Peter 2: 9).
There are times when we have
our own problems. And if that is the case, we must recognize it and stop
doing it so that we can find the peace that comes from leading our lives in a
more prudent way.
“If you are reviled for the
name of Christ, you are blessed, because the glorious Spirit of God rests on
you. Certainly, on their part, he is blasphemed, but for you he is
glorified. So, none of you suffer as a murderer, or a thief, or a
criminal, or for meddling in what is alien; But if anyone suffers as a
Christian, do not be ashamed, but glorify God for it ”(1 Peter 4: 14-16).
3. Give your needs to Him
because He cares about you
God, who gives us life and all
the things that make life enjoyable, is not indifferent to our sufferings. He
has great plans for us in the future. He is shaping us to become his
children for all eternity. For this to happen, there must be changes in
our character. We have to become like Him. That process includes tests and
"Humble yourselves,
therefore, under the mighty hand of God, so that he may exalt you when it is
time; casting all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you ”(1 Peter
5: 6-7).
With this help, we can put the
test result into God's hands and know for sure that in some way good can come
to us if we remain faithful to his ways.
At some point, the bailout will
come and things will get better. "And we know that for those who love
God, all things work together for good, that is, those who are called according
to his purpose" (Romans 8:28).
4. Pray for faith and patience
There is an old saying that is
very true: "This will also happen." Suddenly not as fast as we
would like at the time, but eventually, with faith and patience, things will
get better.
"For a moment his anger
will be, But his favor lasts a lifetime. In
the night the weeping will last, And in the morning the joy will come ”(Psalms
30: 5).
"Those who sowed with
tears will reap with rejoicing" (Psalms 126: 5). Even if God, with
his fatherly love, sees the need to correct us to bring us back to the right
path of life, then He will bless us when we learn and turn to Him.
The little time we spend in the
middle of a trial is nothing compared to eternity as his children. "For
this slight momentary tribulation produces in us an ever more excellent and
eternal weight of glory" (2 Corinthians 4:17).
"The Spirit himself
testifies to our spirit that we are children of God. And if children, also
heirs; heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if we suffer together
with him, so that together with him we may be glorified. For I am
certain that the afflictions of the present time are not comparable with the coming
glory that is to be manifested in us ”(Romans 8: 16-18).
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