all things saved, keep your heart; for his life flows" Proverbs 4:23
The heart is the central organ of the physical body, in the Bible it is the symbol of the spiritual life, of the soul, the seat or source of thoughts, desires, appetites, motivations, intentions, etc. The heart means the whole personality, the inner man.
The intercessor will put special care in his heart because his intercession flows from him, his burden for the lost, hence his desire to pray for what God wants to do, and it is the communications center where God will speak and guide to make effective his intercession.
The psalmist David says:
"Who will ascend to the mountain of Jehovah? And who will enter his holy place? The clean of hands and pure of heart; he who has not raised his heart to vain things, nor sworn with deception" Psalm 24: 3-4
And again:
"Surely God is good to Israel, to the clean in heart" Psalm 73: 1
"Surely God is good to Israel, to the clean in heart" Psalm 73: 1
David asks:
"Believe in me, O God, a clean heart" Psalm 51:10
"Believe in me, O God, a clean heart" Psalm 51:10
The expression "Clean of heart" is not used to indicate a morally perfect person, since there is no one who is, but a regenerated person who has the sincere purpose of doing God's will.
The Bible says that the blood of Christ cleanses us from all sin (1 John 1: 7)
"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (1 John 1: 9)
Therefore a clean heart is one that honestly to surrendered his life to God, unreservedly, without double intentions, their sole purpose is to glorify God.
The position of the intercessor, is in the gap before God (Ez 22:30), the intercessor is not only a person who prays a lot, has a double challenge, that if he achieves the first, the second is assured:
"He must go up to the
mountain of Jehovah, and enter his holy place" for which: He will
cleanse his hands and purify his heart: He must be a forgiven person.
He does not elevate his heart to vain things: He has stripped himself of all double purposes and is firm in his determination to approach God. He sheds all weight and sin that besieges him (Heb. 12: 1): He is a person who has great skill in the spiritual world who knows how to dress and take only what is convenient for his intercession to be effective.
cleanse his hands and purify his heart: He must be a forgiven person.
He does not elevate his heart to vain things: He has stripped himself of all double purposes and is firm in his determination to approach God. He sheds all weight and sin that besieges him (Heb. 12: 1): He is a person who has great skill in the spiritual world who knows how to dress and take only what is convenient for his intercession to be effective.
Flee from all corruption in
this world (2 Pe. 1: 4)
Know the promise of bliss, that "Those who are clean in heart will see God" and the intercessor needs to see him, otherwise he may be overwhelmed by the problem.
Know the promise of bliss, that "Those who are clean in heart will see God" and the intercessor needs to see him, otherwise he may be overwhelmed by the problem.
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