Before all , three introductory texts:
"Bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat
you" ( Lk 6:28 )
"Bless those who persecute you, do not curse"
( Rm 12, 14).
“Finally, all have the same feeling, share the concerns of others
with fraternal love, be compassionate and humble. Do not return evil for
evil or insult for insult; rather bless, for this has been called; and
in this way they will receive the blessing ”(1 P 3, 8-9).
That said, we already intuit that not cursing is practically
an order. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus referred to the prohibition of
"For I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who
persecute you, that you may be children of your heavenly Father ..." (Mt
5: 44-45).
Someone will ask: “But what does Jesus Christ intend to say this? What
love my enemies, who mistreats me, who seeks my evil? ”Yes, although it sounds
absurd to human logic, this is what Jesus asks us. Moreover, if we fulfill
his will, it is what identifies us as children of the Heavenly Father; It
is what your children do to us, it is what invites me to recognize a brother in
the other.
Fraternity is not a condition imposed from above, it is something
we build every day, even among strangers, if we are really Christians. To
be children of God, in fact and not in name, we already know what to do.
Things have to be done as Christ, the Son of God, has taught us by
his example to be children of our heavenly Father. Being a child of God is
not just having a baptismal certificate in your pocket, it is living as such. If
I say that I am a child of God, I have to behave according to what I am, it is
of natural law established by God. It cannot be otherwise, natural laws cannot
be violated, that simple.
We have to know who our Father is to know how to behave like his
children, in the Son. Now, we the
baptized are spiritual beings, we are people called to conversion, to identify
ourselves more and better with the divine Word and will, to be what we are
'image and likeness of God' ( Gen 1 : 26- 27).
Someone else will ask: “But is it possible to love my enemies? Is
it possible to bless those who curse or persecute us? ”It is possible even if
it is not easy; and it is not easy because we usually tend to react in
line with the attitudes of others. They say that by every action there is
a reaction; and if there is an act of aggression towards our person, it is
logical, 'humanly speaking', that the first temptation (and we already know who
the tempter is) is aggression as well.
But Jesus brought a new law to his people, a law that is more
demanding than the previous law given by Moses. The law of Jesus, although
difficult to fulfill, is very possible to fulfill because, in Him, we are new
creatures of God, we are a new creation, old things have passed, all are made
new (2 Cor 5:17 ).
On the other hand the Christian, who wants to follow Jesus has to
fulfill what He says. Jesus said: "Whoever wants to follow me should
deny himself" (Mk 8, 34). We cannot follow Jesus if we do not refuse,
if we are slaves of some instincts, if we cling to a human logic that invites
us to follow the expired law of the talion.
We therefore have to act according to the conditions or
indications of our guide. What conditions? Let us remember, among
others: Loving enemies, blessing those who curse you, doing good to those who
hate you and praying for those who outrage and persecute you.
If a Christian responds to these requirements of Jesus, among the
many that He proposes, for whom he has a problem, he means that he is a son of
God and a disciple of Christ. But if he does not manifest them, it means
that he has not yet been born to that new life in Christ.
Sacred writing, both in the Old Testament and in the new, rejects
the act of cursing. And you have to be careful because cursing affects the
one who utters the curse more. Cursing is like spitting up. The first
harmed of evil is the one who commits it.
Cursing is more typical of unbelievers ( Rm 3:14 ), not
believers. Cursing is the fruit of a distant heart of God. There is
no justification, although you can have all the reason in the world, for a
believer to utter curses.
James put it very well in his letter: “With her (with her tongue)
we bless our Lord and Father and with her we curse men, made in the image of
God. From the same mouth come the blessing and the curse. Brothers,
this cannot be so. Can fresh water and bitter water flow from the same
source? The fig tree cannot produce olives or figs, and the brackish will
not give fresh water. ”( St 3, 9-12).
The thing is thus clear and simple. Just as a fountain cannot
give fresh water and salt water at the same time, so neither can a believer
bless God and then curse his neighbor. When a Christian has God in his
mind and in his heart and feeds on God in communion and meditates on his word
night and day it will be impossible for curses to come out of his mouth,
because the mouth speaks of the abundance of the heart (Mt 12, 3. 4)
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