Another task of the Holy Spirit is that it is our
intercessor. (Romans 8:26) He will take what is of Jesus and let us know
(John 16: 13-15). We do not pray as we should, but the Spirit knows how we
should pray. By the Spirit we are taken to different situations in daily
life that make our flesh react.
These situations give us light on the sin that dwells in us (in
our flesh). We all react in different
ways, either by word or action.
If we think about what we have said or done, we will see that sin
was present. It was not the virtues that manifested, but our human
nature. We realize that we did what we hate, just as Paul writes in Romans
7: 18-25.
These involuntary actions that come from the flesh and are brought
to light, are known as "body works" and can be presented as thoughts,
words and even actions. There is no condemnation for these works, because
we do not agree to sin consciously.
However, through the Spirit, we can overcome these involuntary
actions after they have left our bodies; First loving and recognizing the
truth about what happened, and then disagreeing and hating them. “For if
you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you
put to death the deeds of the flesh, you will live. ”Romans 8:13.
When the Spirit is my guide and my strength, I continue to walk in
the light and I can overcome these works before they happen again.
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