martes, 11 de febrero de 2020

Distinguish the signs of the times.

Jesus Christ pointed out the importance of understanding the signs of the times. Why did He say this and what are the warning signs of the end times?
As terrible as tornadoes are, this article refers to even worse things looming on the horizon.
On April 27, 2014, Mark Wade and his family heard the shocking sound of the tornado siren at their home in Vilonia, Arkansas, along with urgent warnings on television. They were preparing to hide from the storm in their closet, when a neighbor in front of the street shouted: “Come! We have to go to the shelter. ”
Then Mark, his wife and their three-year-old son got together with 10 other people and seven dogs in the underground shelter that was crowded. When they left, their houses had disappeared. There were only the foundations left.
Mark said: "If I hadn't gone to the shelter, I don't know if I would be here."
Early warning systems
This is just an example of how recognizing and obeying warnings can protect us from the dangerous powers of the air. Since biblical times, humans have been amazed by the atmospheric forces that have unleashed deadly storms. The wisdom of the ancients included some understanding of the signs that preceded a great alteration in the weather.
In modern times, the devastation caused by tornadoes, hurricanes and other storms has moved meteorologists to continually improve their knowledge and instruments to better predict storms. In 1986, the United States National Climate Service managed to warn 25 percent of tornadoes in advance, with an average time of about five minutes. Now time has increased by about 13 minutes and 75 percent of tornadoes are predicted (
To establish an effective early warning system that saves lives from natural disasters, you must know the key signs of imminent danger and have ongoing surveillance.
What are the key signals that we should be continuously monitoring in order to be alert to the times we are living in - and be prepared for what is coming?
Biblical indicators
Jesus rebuked the religious leaders of his day for not recognizing the biblical signs of the incredible times they were living.
The Pharisees and the Sadducees were testing Jesus, asking him to give them a sign or miracle from heaven. In answering them, Jesus made a contrast between his knowledge of the weather and his understanding of the prophecy:
“When it gets dark, you say: Good weather; Because heaven has trees. And in the morning: Today there will be a storm; because the cloudy sky has trees. Hypocrites! That you know how to distinguish the aspect of heaven, but the signs of the times you cannot! ”(Matthew 16: 2-3).
But what can we say now? Can we discern the biblical signs of our time?
Cause and effect
A key biblical principle is cause and effect — we reap what we sow. Many passages underline the obvious truth that obedience to God brings blessings, but disobeying their beneficial laws automatically brings curses.
For example, Deuteronomy 28 gives us a list of blessings with his cause: "It will happen that if you listen carefully to the voice of the Eternal God, to keep and put into action all your commandments ... all these blessings will come upon you ..." (vv. 1 -two).
But verse 15 begins a list of the negative effects of disobedience: “But it will happen, if you do not hear the voice of the Eternal your God, to seek to fulfill all his commandments and his statutes that I intimate you today, that all these will come upon you curses, and they will reach you. ”
Watch and pray
At the end of the prophecy of the Mount of Olives, Jesus said: "Look also for yourselves, that your hearts not be filled with gluttony and drunkenness and the cares of this life, and suddenly come upon you that day ... Watch, then, at all times praying that you are considered worthy to escape all these things that will come, and to stand before the Son of Man ”(Luke 21:34, 36).
We must then observe not only the signs of the times in world events, but also the signs of our own spiritual state. We should not be blinded by our daily concerns. We need the vision to see ourselves as God sees us — to see the urgent need to repent, change and prepare for the return of Jesus Christ.

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