book of Revelation has many references to something called "the
beast." What or who is it? That makes? What does God tell
us to do about "the beast"?
nearly 2,000 years, men and women have studied and speculated about the
identity of "the beast" of Revelation. Who or what is the
beast? Is it symbolic or real? Can we identify this beast as
contemporary of John, the writer of the last book of the Bible? Or, is the
beast a character or entity of the end times? Is it important for us to
know the identity of the beast? What does the Bible reveal to us regarding
the beast of Revelation?
start by seeing what Christ, the revealer (Revelation 1: 1) showed John, and
what John wrote about the beast in the last book of the Bible. While it is
true that the word "beast" is found 37 times in the book of
Revelation, some of them refer to another beast. The passage of Revelation
13: 1-8 is one of the most descriptive about that one called "the
stood on the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rising from the sea that had
seven heads and ten horns; and in his horns ten headbands; and above
their heads, a blasphemous name. And the beast that I saw was like a
leopard, and its feet like a bear, and its mouth like a lion's mouth. And
the dragon gave him his power and his throne, and great authority. I saw
one of their heads as a death wound, but their mortal wound was
healed; and all the earth marveled after the beast, and they worshiped the
dragon that had given authority to the beast, and worshiped the beast, saying:
Who like the beast, and who can fight against it? He was also given a
mouth that spoke great things and blasphemies; and he was given authority
to act forty-two months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God,
to blaspheme his name, his tabernacle, and those who dwell in heaven. And
he was allowed to make war against the saints, and defeat them. He was
also given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation. And
all the inhabitants of the earth worshiped it whose names were not written in
the Lamb's book of life that was slain from the beginning of the world
”(Revelation 13: 1-8).
the symbolism
understand this passage of writing, we must understand the symbolism. A
fundamental principle of Bible study is to let the Bible interpret itself (2
Peter 1: 20-21). In other words, look at other sections of the writing or
the context itself to understand its meaning.
symbol of beasts representing civil governments is also found in the book of
Daniel. The prophet Daniel received a vision of God from four great
beasts: the first as a lion with eagle wings, the second as a bear, the third
as a leopard and the fourth - different and more terrible than the others -
with 10 horns ( Daniel 7: 1-7). Daniel was told that these great beasts
symbolized "four kings" (kingdoms) (v. 17). History shows us
that the beasts of the book of Daniel were four great world empires: the
Babylonian, the Medo-Persian, the Greek and the Roman.
nature of the beast
of the characteristics of the beast in the book of Revelation is its hostility
against God and his people. In Revelation 11: 7, John is told: "When
they have finished (both witnesses) their testimony, the beast that rises from
the abyss will make war against them, and overcome them and kill them."
Revelation 13: 7 we read that this beast is going to "make war against the
saints" and "defeat them." This beast will have the power
to kill all those who do not worship her (v. 15), and will blaspheme against
God (v. 6).
century perceptions
began writing during the time of the Babylonian Empire, and God revealed to him
that the Medo-Persian empire (Daniel 5:28) would be the next to come to
power. After this empire would come "the king of Greece" (Daniel
8:21). But what empire is represented by the fourth beast that Daniel saw
in the vision — the beast that was “dreadful and terrible and greatly strong”
(Daniel 7: 7), which is “different from all other kingdoms” and that "he
will devour the whole earth" (v. 23)?
history students and first-century citizens, the answer is obvious. The Roman
Empire was the fourth beast of which Daniel spoke. In the first century,
the Roman Empire had crushed all other political powers. The book of
Revelation, written at the end of the first century, records the persecution
directed to the people of God by the Empire (Revelation 2: 10,13). The
first believers, reading the book of Revelation concluded that the beast of
which John wrote was the Roman Empire, which dominated the world at that time.
the time of the New Testament, several Roman emperors showed the
characteristics described in John's account (Revelation 13: 1-7): powerful,
with great authority and military power, an instrument of Satan ("the
dragon"), blasphemer, He claims to be a god through the emperor's worship,
persecuting the true church and killing Christians. All the elements were
there! These early Christians faced difficult situations, and the words of
the prophecy were there to encourage them not to be deceived by the beast or so
that through idolatry they would turn away from God.
is there more to this prophecy? Was it addressed to those of us who lived
in the last days?
dragon and the future beast
the book of Revelation we find that the beast's agenda is the same as that of
the dragon. The dragon is the devil and Satan, the one who deceives
"the whole world" (Revelation 12: 9), and the beast of Revelation 13:
1-7 performs this deception. John implies that the healing of the deadly
wound of the beast is itself a hoax, producing awe among the whole world (v.
3), causing all the inhabitants of the earth to worship the dragon and the
beast ( v. 4).
future beast will have authority on earth for 42 months and at the end of that
time all the inhabitants of the earth will worship her (vv. 5 and 8; compare
with Revelation 11: 2). It is clear that the prophecies about the beast
also apply to a future character in the end time who will have great civil,
financial and religious power.
dragon's goal of persecuting Christians is also evident (Revelation 12:
7). The beast opens its mouth "in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme
his name, his tabernacle, and those who dwell in heaven" (Revelation 13:
7 specifically mentions the current persecution of Christians, but the
persecution is clearly implicit in John's prophetic call to readers in verse
10, which speaks of saints being "taken into captivity" and
"killed by the sword." . This requires patience and faith on the
part of Christians. Emphatically the book of Revelation is not a call to arms,
it is a call to patience and faith on the part of God's people.
the prophecy of the Mount of Olives, Christ warned his disciples: "For
false Christs will rise, and false prophets, and will make great signs and
wonders, so that they will deceive, if possible, even the elect" ( Matthew
24:24). It is very important then, that we pay attention to the warning of
Christ and that we are awaiting the coming of the beast and the false prophet
of Revelation!
of the strongest warnings in the Bible is given to people who worship this
future beast. This warning includes the threat of receiving the wrath of
God: “And the third angel followed them, saying in a loud voice: If anyone
worships the beast and his image, and receives the mark on his forehead or on
his hand, he will also drink from the wine of the wrath of God, which has been
emptied pure in the cup of his wrath; and he will be tormented with fire
and brimstone before the holy angels and the Lamb ”(Revelation 14: 9-10).
will only be two options for Christians in the future, and they are the same as
the first Christians to whom John wrote. When the power of the future
beast begins the persecution of the saints formally, the Christians will either
follow God or follow the beast. If we worship the beast and receive its
mark, then we will receive the wrath of
God . That
is why it is very important that we understand the warnings about the beast, so
that when it appears we can avoid being deceived to worship it.
and arrogance
Revelation 13: 5 it says that the beast will be given a mouth "that spoke
great things and blasphemies" for 42 months. In writing the mouth is
the symbol of the thoughts that are revealed when speaking (Matthew
12:34). The mouth of the beast pronounces evil - blasphemies - but most
will not recognize it for what it is.
beast will demand a divine power that it does not have. He will try to put
himself in God's place — the worst blasphemy.
beast was given authority over "every tribe, people, tongue and
nation" (Revelation 13: 7). Clearly the source of power and authority
of the beast is the dragon (v. 2).
its political, military and economic power worldwide, the restored Roman Empire
will seem like an unbeatable monster. "Who like the beast, and who
can fight it?" (V. 4). But the inhabitants of the earth are not only
going to fear the Empire; They will also love and adore him.
the book of Revelation, it is seen that the world willingly accepts the
authority of the beast, regardless of God. "And all the inhabitants
of the earth worshiped it ..." (v. 8). The beast catches the hearts
and souls of men and women everywhere, but it must not trap Christian hearts!
13 shows that the beast is the enemy of the true Church on Earth. We are
told that the beast was given the power to "make war against the saints,
and defeat them" (v. 7). Satan uses the political power of the beast
as his agent, in an attempt to destroy and destroy the people of God.
for us
will only be two options for Christians in the future, and they are the same as
the first Christians to whom John wrote. When the power of the future
beast begins the persecution of the saints formally, the Christians will either
follow God or follow the beast. Jesus' warning to his disciples will
happen: "Then they will deliver you up to tribulation, and they will kill
you, and you will be hated by all nations for my name's sake" (Matthew 24:
beast will be allowed to exercise its power of recent times over the world and
over the Church, for a short period of 42 months (three and a half
years). God is going to intervene then and will stop the merciless madness
that will prevail throughout the Earth, threatening to annihilate the true
Church of Jesus Christ along with all mankind (Matthew 24:22).
alliance in the end times between a religious power called "Babylon the
great" (Revelation 17: 5) and this civil power identified as "the
beast" (Revelation 13: 1-10) will control world economic
power. Religious power, a great false church represented in Revelation 13:
11-15 as a second beast: “And he exercises all the authority of the first beast
in his presence, and causes the earth and its inhabitants to worship the first
beast ”(v. 12). This second beast is also referred to as "the false
prophet" (Revelation 19:20).
first beast of Revelation 13 - the civil authority that will influence all
mankind at the end of this era - will be the final resurgence of the Roman
Empire mentioned in Daniel 7:20, 24 and Revelation 17: 10-14. This Empire
of the end times, will need people to "receive the mark on their right
hand or on their forehead" to "buy or sell" (Revelation 13:
16-17). If you wish to deepen the civil authority of the end times and the
false religious leader who will work together to govern and deceive humanity,
see the articles " Daniel 7 ",
" Antichrist " and
" Revelation 17 ".
the economic system of the beast will bring prosperity to the merchants of the
earth, it will be destroyed (Revelation 18: 3, 15, 19). The people of God
will be pleased to see the great and the beast fall to Babylon. “And the
beast was captured, and with it the false prophet who had made before her the
signs with which he had deceived those who received the mark of the beast, and
had worshiped his image. These two were thrown alive into a lake of fire
that burns with sulfur ”(Revelation).
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