domingo, 2 de febrero de 2020

¿Who is Jesus?

Who is Jesus really? Some say he was a prophet; others, it was a charlatan or a myth. We believe that he was and is the Son of Almighty God. Find out why.
Many people believe in Jesus of Nazareth and know what he did during the first century. He was the Son of God and suffered and died for our sins. But do you know what Christ did before coming to earth? Do you know what you are doing now and what you will do in the future?
Everything that Christ has done, including his terrible suffering and death, would have no meaning without the promise to return to earth to establish the Kingdom of God. As Paul said, "If in this life we ​​only hope in Christ, we are the most worthy of the mercy of all men" (1 Corinthians 15:19).
In the Bible we find the answers to these and many other questions. The Scriptures reveal that the entire universe was created by the Divine Being who became Jesus Christ; that He is part of the divine family, but not of a trinity, and is the future King of Kings and Lord of Lords. In addition, we know that Jesus is very active today, because he is our High Priest.
By understanding the greatness of Jesus Christ, we can glimpse the magnitude of everything that encompasses his sacrifice and understand the purpose of his death, burial and resurrection!
We invite you to deepen with us in the Scriptures while we study the past, present and future roles of the incredible character known as Jesus of Nazareth.

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