God's timing
is perfect
Intellectually we can know that
God's timing is perfect, but when He makes us wait, or when we feel that He is
not helping us in our difficulties, we may hesitate. However, the Bible shows
that God is the teacher of time and acts at just the right time - everything
God does is for our good!
Let's look at some of the most
dramatic events in history:
The children of Israel were afraid
of the mighty Egyptian army when they were trapped by the sea, when suddenly
the sea opened up, giving them an escape route!
The Israelites were undecided
between the prophets of Baal and the true God, but Elijah prayed and the fire
from heaven cremated the offering soaked in water, wood, and even the altar
Daniel was caught faithfully
praying to the true God without caring about the consequences of the new law
imposed by the Medes and Persians. As punishment Daniel was cast into the den
of ravenous lions, but God sent an angel to shut the lions' mouths!
Immediately after denying Christ
the third time, Peter heard the rooster crow, just as Jesus had predicted!
God's time and our faith
God is eternal. God exists outside
of time because He created it, and is not limited by it. This is something that
is still difficult for us to understand with our time limited mind.
However, God is a master of time. One
could even say that he is the master of melodramatic time sometimes waiting
until the last minute. But this he does for our good so that we may grow in
faith. God's time allows us to practice faith, and gives us a foundation to
strengthen it.
God's time shows his patience
When the apostle Peter predicted
that in the last days people would scoff and say that Jesus would never return,
he also helped us better understand God's times and his patience. Peter
explained: "But, beloved, be not ignorant of this: that one day is with
the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day" (2 Peter 3:
God can manage time as necessary
in order to fulfill his purpose. And its purpose is always for the good of all.
Peter continued: "The Lord does not delay his promise, as some consider it
to be late, but he is patient with us, not wanting anyone to perish, but
everyone to come to repentance" (v. 9).
God has a plan that very few
people understand and wants to give each person a true and complete opportunity
to repent and be saved.
God does not judge anything
prematurely, nor does He want us to do so. This is how the apostle Paul
explained it:
“So do not judge anything before
time, until the Lord comes, who will also clarify the hidden things of the
darkness, and will manifest the intentions of the hearts; and then each one
will receive his praise from God ”(1 Corinthians 4: 5).
At the right moment, Jesus Christ
will return. And at the right time, each will be judged.
Just in time and at the perfect
There are many action movies that
desperately show the countdown until a bomb explodes, or that oxygen is about
to run out, or that an asteroid is going to destroy the planet. The heroes of
these movies must always figure out exactly how to solve the complex situation
they find themselves in, and they only have hundredths of a second to do it!
Right now God is optimizing and
helping over seven billion people and billions of factors! All of these
intermingle in the most complex and unimaginable ways, yet God will provide the
best possible outcome for all involved.
Now imagine that you have millions
of factors to consider. Right now God is optimizing and helping over seven
billion people and billions of factors! All of these intermingle in the most
complex and unimaginable ways, yet God will provide the best possible outcome
for all involved.
Still, this life can be a
difficult journey for all of us.
Our human reasoning about God's
During this life, we may lose
sight of the guidance and help that the hand of God offers us. We can feel
abandoned by God and think that we are not interested.
Consider King David's lament: “How
long, Eternal? Will you forget me forever?
How long will you hide your face
from me?" (Psalms 13: 1).
When we go through trials, we can
feel fragile and desperately plead with God as David did: "Time is to act,
O Eternal, Because they have invalidated your law" (Psalms 119: 126).
Our merciful God understands our
impatience and how fleeting our life is. But He gives us answers and teaches us
about his times and why humanly speaking it seems that he is falling behind.
God's response
When we ask impatiently why God
does not act and why He does not immediately answer our prayers, God patiently
answers. He assures us that He never tires and is almighty to help us. His
innumerable reasons may be beyond our comprehension at this time, but we can be
sure that his decisions for us are perfect in the long term and for eternity. Through
the prophet Isaiah, God reminds us:
“Have you not known, have you not
heard that the eternal God is God, who created the ends of the earth? He does not
falter, nor does he tire with fatigue, and his understanding cannot be reached.
He gives effort to the weary, and multiplies the strength of the one who has
none. The boys tire and tire, the youth falter and fall; but those who await
the Eternal will have new strength; They will lift wings like eagles; they will
run, and they will not tire; they will walk, and they will not be weary
”(Isaiah 40: 28-31, emphasis added).
When we try harder to see things
from God's perspective then we receive his strength, which helps us understand
his will in a better way and do what is pleasing before him.
“Do not lose, therefore, your
confidence, which has a great reward; because you need patience, so that having
done the will of God, you obtain the promise. For even a little while, and he
that is to come will come, and will not delay "(Hebrews 10: 35-37).
When we do God's will, when we
love him and try to fulfill his purpose, we can have absolute confidence that
everything will turn out well in the end.
"And we know that for those
who love God, all things work together for good, that is, those who are called
according to his purpose" (Romans 8:28).
This principle applies in our
individual lives as well as on a global scale.
The chronology of God's prophecy
God gives us an overview of what
He is doing and how He plans to save this world, and also how He will offer
salvation to all who have lived. God gives us an overview of what He is doing and how
He plans to save this world. world, and also how it will offer salvation to all
who have lived. The time frame can be understood when we compare the prophecies
of the Bible with the seven annual feasts of the Bible.
The Apostle Paul clearly showed
that the annual Passover reflects the sacrifice of Christ, the Lamb of God, to
enable human beings to be saved (1 Corinthians 5: 7). This is the starting
point of God's plan of salvation. It is also widely recognized that the annual
Feast of Pentecost reflects the beginning of the Church of God (Acts 2: 1, 41,
What we cannot know about God's
God has given us many answers that
explain His plan to offer salvation to all humanity, but He has not given us an
exact or definitive timeline that shows us exactly when Jesus Christ is going
to return.
In fact, consider what Jesus said
after his disciples asked, "When will these things be, and what sign will
there be of your coming, and of the end of the age?" (Matthew 24: 3). Jesus
said to them and to us today: "But of the day and the hour no one knows,
not even the angels of heaven, but only my Father" (v. 36).
Even in our own lives, we cannot
always know when God will act or answer our prayers. Like Job, we can't see
what's going on behind the scenes. Like Esther, perhaps we cannot know if God
has a specific purpose for the particular situation in which we find ourselves.
"And who knows if by this time you have arrived in the kingdom?" (Est
But we know that God has our best
interest in mind, and that He will always intervene at the best time. But that
may still seem like a long time. So what should we do while waiting for God's
perfect moment?
What should we do?
God tells us that the judgment has
begun in the house of God, those who are now called to the Church of God (1
Peter 4:17). A trial also involves a time of evaluation, not just a final judgment. So while we are being tested, we
must make the best use of our time.
“Take heed therefore to how you
walk, not as fools but as wise, making good use of the time, because the days
are bad” (Ephesians 5: 15-16).
Paul also said: “And this, knowing
the time, that it is time to get up from sleep; because now our salvation is
closer to us than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is near. Let
us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and put on the weapons of light. Let's
walk like daylight, honestly; not in gluttony and drunkenness, not in lust and
lust, not in strife and envy, but put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not
provide for the lust of the flesh ”(Romans 13: 11-14).
We need to repent and obey God at
all times, especially in these end times. We must always trust that God will
carry out his plan for the good of all. It is always time to live and grow in
As our faith grows, we can say
together with Paul: "For I am sure that the afflictions of the present
time are not comparable with the coming glory that is to be manifested in
us" (Romans 8:18).
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