jueves, 7 de mayo de 2020

Beatitudes: the keys to true happiness

Jesus gave us the keys to true happiness known as the Beatitudes in his Sermon on the Mount. What are the eight Beatitudes and how can they help us experience lasting happiness and real joy in our lives?
What are the Beatitudes?
Jesus began his Sermon on the Mount with a list of eight spiritual traits that will guide him to true happiness. These are:
Blessed are the poor in spirit , for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn , for they will receive consolation.
Blessed are the meek , for they will receive the land for an inheritance.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice , for they will be satisfied.
Blessed are the merciful , for they will obtain mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart , for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers , for they will be called children of God.
Blessed are those who suffer persecution for the sake of justice , for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when they reproach and persecute you for my cause, and tell all kinds of evil against you, lying. (Matthew 5: 4-11).
These spiritual character traits are known as the Beatitudes, from the Latin happy or blessed, since each of these verses begins with the word blessed (Matthew 5: 3-11). The Greek word makarios , which is translated as blessed, means to be "supremely blessed, by extension, fortunate, immensely blessed, happy, (happier)" ( Strong's Exhaustive Concordance , # 3107) [ Strong's Exhaustive Concordance ].     
After each spiritual feature, Jesus Christ mentions the result it was to produce — the blessing it was to bring. Many of them may seem contradictory at first glance. How can someone who is mourning or being persecuted be blessed or happy? Let's take a deeper look at it.
How can we achieve true happiness?
The average person living in a developed nation today enjoys a level of comfort and security unknown to those who lived in previous centuries. Compared to people living in poorer countries, people living in wealthier nations have access to a wealth of resources, public services, opportunities, amenities, and services.
But does prosperity bring peace and happiness that last? The feelings of frustration, emptiness and dissatisfaction are very strong in the world. Why do people who have so much feel so unhappy?
Along with the pursuit of happiness, people want a peaceful life. The search for peace, happiness and well-being fosters the feeling of self-help. Many people have been helped by adding exercise, relaxation, and positive thinking to their lives. Others have found temporary excitement or relief in stimulants and depressants. But neither self-help nor drugs and alcohol can give us access to the source of true happiness.
The spiritual component to happiness that we overlook
There is a spiritual component to happiness that has been ignored by many people. Our Creator gave us an instruction book for life, the Holy Bible. Here God explains the missing dimension in human knowledge: the spiritual element . 
Jesus founded the New Testament Church on himself and on the Bible - the Word of God. His teaching is a religion of love and law. It has a spiritual component, the Holy Spirit, which is the presence and power of God.
Christianity includes emotions, such as love, joy, and concern for others. And it includes some rules, the law of God, as explained by Christ and the apostles. In the Bible we find that the ultimate goal of Christianity is not temporary happiness. It's something bigger!
The goal of a Christian individual is the transformation (conversion) of the mind — to become a new creation that thinks and lives in the same way that Jesus Christ did. Jesus explained the spiritual character traits that produce a state of joy that endures independently and despite circumstances. The goal of a Christian individual is transformation (conversion) of the mind — to become a new, thinking creation and live the same way that Jesus Christ did. Jesus explained the spiritual character traits that produce a state of joy that endures independently, despite the circumstances. 
The Beatitudes and the true path to happiness
Let us analyze the first Bliss. A feeling of self-sufficiency and self-esteem is not necessary to experience the happiness that Jesus Christ describes. Jesus said that the "poor in spirit" are blessed because "theirs is the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 5,3). Why do those who are humble and not arrogant find the happiness that often eludes the wealthy and those with high self-esteem?
Those who are poor in spirit have no illusions of pride and arrogance. They acknowledge their personal mistakes and human frailty. They relate to God as dependent beings, they see him as the source of all things. They put their trust in God, not in themselves or in others. That trust will be blessed, and you will find final fulfillment by serving with Christ in his Kingdom.
What about the second beatitude? For those who mourn, Jesus says they will be comforted. (According to Barnes' Notes on the Bible : “This can have two meanings: either that those who are grieving at the loss of friends or possessions are blessed, or that those who mourn are blessed for sin ”). God is the "God of all comfort," and he promises that one day all sadness will be erased (2 Corinthians 1: 3; Revelation 21: 4). 
And so it continues with all the beatitudes. Those who are meek (humble) will inherit the Earth. Those who hunger for justice will be satisfied. Those who are merciful will obtain mercy. Those who are pure in heart will see God. Those who are peacemakers will be called children of God.
The source of true spiritual power
None of us can fill the void and discontent that manifests as unhappiness. That void is the place that God is going to fill, and we cannot replace it with something else, at least for a time. We cannot generate a prevailing happiness nor can we find it in some external circumstance. We must recognize that the Creator is the source of all good things and go to Him.
Those who approach God with humility and repentance begin a journey to the Kingdom of God and to eternal life. They learn God's way of life: “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35).
Having the spiritual character traits described in the Beatitudes will allow us to experience bliss and happiness now and forever.

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