The gospel stories are very clear about what is the crux of the
message of Christ. However, the gospel of the Kingdom of God is almost
totally absent from today's Christianity .
The innumerable number of churches that make up traditional
Christianity profess that their religion is based on Jesus Christ. Almost
all affirm that He is the founder and say that his teachings are based on what
He said and did about 2000 years ago. But,
unfortunately, there are many doctrines in which traditional Christianity
rejects or opposes the teachings of Jesus Christ.
This month's column starts from an affirmation: traditional
Christianity does not teach the same message that Jesus Christ brought when he
was on earth almost 2000 years ago.
Jesus had a central message that formed the basis of all his
ministry and teachings.
He pointed to this fundamental message in the midst of his most
famous sermon - the Sermon on the Mount. He made a statement about what
should be the highest priority of his followers: "But seek first the
kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to
you" (Matthew 6:33).
The words of Jesus Christ are clear — the Kingdom of God must come
first, the main emphasis on the life of his followers. In fact, it was the
crux of his gospel message.
The gospel of Christ was not about himself
Gospel is a common word in the Christian world. Some
think it has a connection to a genre of religious music, but we must understand
that it describes a message. It literally means a good news message. Most
churches include the word gospel in their mission statement. Typically, the
gospel of Jesus Christ is described , and it is seen as the
message about his life, death and resurrection.
But what was the primary part of the message that Jesus really
taught? Was your message something about yourself only?
A study of the gospel story about the life of Christ indicates
exactly what his gospel was about
Let's see what it says in Mark 1:14: "After John was
imprisoned, Jesus came to Galilee preaching the gospel of the kingdom of
God." This is a fairly clear statement — Jesus preached the gospel of
the Kingdom of God.
There are many writings that reinforce this concept. For example,
Matthew 9:35 says: "Jesus traveled all the cities and villages, teaching
in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom."
At a time in his ministry, Jesus was about to leave a place where
he had been preaching for some time. The local people tried to persuade
him not to leave (Luke 4:42). Jesus' response was: “It is necessary that
also to other cities announce the gospel of the kingdom of God; because
for this I have been sent ”(v. 43).
May this truth be profound in us.
Jesus Christ said that one of the main purposes for coming to
Earth was to preach about the Kingdom of God. This was the gospel. This
was his message. This was his purpose. This was what guided him.
When we understand that the crux of the message of Christ revolved
around the Kingdom of God, we better understand why He made this statement in
Matthew 6:33: "But seek first the kingdom of God." He tells us
that we must first seek his Kingdom, because the Kingdom of God was his main
message. This message is about the literal establishment of the Kingdom of
God on Earth at the second coming of Jesus Christ.
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