RVC Shepherd
You may have heard it said by someone or some or
many , the possibility that we ourselves ll eguemos to a
covenant with God; and although we believe that we must submit to the will
of God , it could be that we continue to think of the two
possibilities united; that is, a pact with God about something that
interests me personally as long as his will is done.
Let's think about a possibility or an example that we usually
use: -I will make an agreement with God to open a restaurant and that
it is God who decides, where I open it, the color of the tables,
the menu, the opening date, etc. , etc.
We are going to review the word of God in order to be able to
discern if it is possible for us to make a covenant or a contract with God,
with the understanding that if we speak of a covenant between us and God
understands that it is , between two parties , and
in the case of God then obviously it would be a covenant or
contract , where both , we look for the same
purpose, ie , a contract where we walk together looking
for the goal, as a kind of society.
The text that we will use, without a doubt, is Genesis the whole
chapter 15. In such a chapter God promises Abraham that Canaan will inherit the
land that flows milk and honey, and before this in Genesis 15: 8 Abraham asks
for a sign.
God immediately uses a tradition of the peoples of that time when
two people were going to establish a covenant or contract between
them. God asks Abraham to look for a calf, a goat and a
ram , all three years old and other small animals, specifically
a turtledove and a dove, the latter suitable for atonement and burnt
offerings in the case of low-income people.
Those three large animals would split in half and one side
would be placed in front of the other leaving a space in between. The
people who would agree would pass between the pieces of animals and thus
the agreement would be totally broken.
The meaning had to do with the fact that if any of
the covenants violated the covenant, they would suffer the same fate as
those broken animals (Jeremiah 34:18:20).
Paraphrasing we imagine Abraham saying: - wow... I am going
to pass with God through these animals. I've done this ritual with
many human but now with God in person ... .¡ go, that honor hire
from you to you with God, the Creator of the entire
But ... let's see what really happened: time passes and
passes and God does not come to pass along with Abraham ... time continues
to pass to the point that birds of prey are already stalking and God does
not arrive ...
It begins to get dark and God does not come…. It is
totally dark and Abraham begins to feel sleepy ... and already at night,
being totally dark (Genesis 15:17), you see a smoking oven and
a torch of fire that passed between the divided animals.
Wow ... what happened? We know that God the Father
cannot be seen because the person would die. Moses manages to see
only the back once (Genesis 32:30) and John 1:18 confirms that "no
one has ever seen God " in a clear allusion that whoever
has shown himself has always been Jesus Christ and not Heavenly Father .
Let's go back to the event. It is totally
night. Abraham must realize that God passed through the animals
and therefore , he passes with a torch in his hand (God does not
need such a torch but Abraham does need God to use it. ( Fire is
a symbol of God ), but Abraham can not see God. How God does
this? If in doubt, with a Theophany. Since c on smoky eye sees
diffusely, and to this steamy oven.
Abraham does not have the slightest doubt that
God passed ... but he did not pass with God ... God passed totally alone
and that day (Genesis 15:18) God made a covenant with Abraham. It is a
pact in which the human being does not participate as a
partner , so it can never be a fragile pact but totally solid
and inviolable because it has the rubric of the Almighty.
Notice the difference: the covenant is not of Abraham with God but
of God with Abraham. The plan is drawn up by God, never by Abraham or
by us; and also the Covenant with God is
a unilateral Covenant , that is, who plans it, who
generates it and who signs it is only God.
If you want to open a restaurant and see the possibilities in it,
then open it and bend your knee before God to protect you from all kinds
of evil and temptations in that job, but never seek to walk with Him
in the midst of broken animals , because
the spiritual plans that God has for you are from
God's own manufacture and not from us.
The small animals, the palomino and the turtledove, in addition to
the large ones, make up all the licit animals to be sacrifiable
as peace offerings and for forgiveness of sins according to
Leviticus chapter 3 onwards.
Large animals are sacrificed by those with economic
possibilities and small ones by the poor, in a clear allusion that God
will make the covenant with the person whom He decides, rich or
poor. God doesn't care if you have a restaurant chain or if you sell
empanadas from house to house.
There is a phrase that is not written in the Bible, yet it
follows Biblical principles. This phrase is: "not a leaf falls
from a tree without God allowing it." This phrase is said by Don
Quixote, Cervantes wrote it in the book "Don Quixote de la
Let us analyze such a phrase: a leaf falls from the tree not
because God is engaged in it, but because He allows it. That is, in
other words, there are many events that happen because God allows them,
that is, because God simply does not prevent them from happening.
Can we then believe that God activates his power for us
to open a restaurant and do well with Him because ¿"we made a
covenant with the Creator"?
Of course not. When a footballer prays to God before a
football game starts, he can never pretend that God makes his team
win. You can only pray for God to protect you in times of possible
danger and to use the right words with the referee, your teammates, your
rivals and the public.
We are not partners of God therefore in any covenant and
therefore , in every Covenant that God makes with us we
must truly humble ourselves and say: "Thy will be
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