miércoles, 8 de enero de 2020

Stripping off all weight and sin that beset us.

In relation to Christianity, the weight that overwhelms is referred to all the loads of spiritual type that make weight on the backs, and therefore, that weight will be a hindrance to running the Christian career.
Can we remind brothers or sisters that long ago they practiced a spiritual life with much optimism and fullness of the Holy Spirit, and now they live the most complete defeat and even away from God?
The root of the problem is because they began to fill with problems and burdens that were not their responsibility. They forgot the call of Christ when he says "come to me all who are tired and burdened, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28).
There are thousands of things that can be a hindrance to successfully running the Christian career ... Galatians 5: 7-8.
What hinders your life so you don't run as you should in your career?
When we ignore our coach's instructions, we run the risk of being eliminated from the competition, and being condemned to just live on memories. How many Christians are there in the day who only live from sad memories? Perhaps they were great preachers, teachers, evangelists, faithful ministers? But that God eliminated them for not having shed weight and sin in their Christian life, they were disqualified by God, for not considering them fit and faithful to fulfill the ministry entrusted to them. 1 Corinthians 9:24.
Let us not forget that God will reward the faithfulness of the Christian, therefore we must lead a holy life, without complications or sins that cost us the separation of our God.

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