viernes, 3 de enero de 2020


Obey in Matthew 22:36, an interpreter of the law asked Jesus Christ, "What is the great commandment?" Jesus Christ replied, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind . ”Then he said that the second commandment was:“ You will love your neighbor as yourself. ”
The commandment is first - God commands us to love! Now, according to our way of thinking in our culture, love cannot be dictated or commanded, but it is something spontaneous, voluntary, not controllable. But this is not Biblical love! Jesus Christ said in John 14:15, "If you love me, keep my commandments."
Only in our culture do we think that a command or mandate implies compulsion or obligation, and therefore we do not respond voluntarily, but under obligation. But throughout the Bible love and mandates go hand in hand. The biblical idea or concept of a commandment includes the idea of ​​spontaneity, that is, voluntary, immediate and joyful obedience.
We can understand this when we realize that if we do what we should do, what God commands us in His Word, then we do our best for our lives.
E n his book "Growing as God wants , " John A. Stromer says the following: "" obey "is the most important word in the Bible. Being obedient is the key to receiving all the blessings of God. To be saved from sin and hell, a person has to obey God's command ... Acts 16:31. There is a multitude of material and spiritual blessings for those who obey God. ”
This modern century, in general, has been characterized by rebellion. Rebellion and disobedience come directly from the sinful nature of man. See 2 Timothy 3: 2 and Romans 5:19. We observe rebellion in homes, in society, and in our churches, all caused by a rebellious attitude towards God. Perhaps now, as never before, we need to be seriously interested in the issue of obedience.
Stormer himself gives the following explanation or definition of obedience: “Obedience is fulfilling the wishes or demands of authority. It is the opposite of doing what you want or want. True obedience involves doing what authority desires immediately, respectfully, joyfully and completely. Obedience requires a total submission of the particular will to the authorities. True obedience is rooted in submission to God. ”
According to the Scriptures, God himself says that obeying is better than sacrifices. (1S.15: 22) He calls David a "man according to my heart" (Acts 13:22). This refers to King David's obedience. On the contrary God compares disobedience with the sin of divination (1S.15: 23) and under the Mosaic law a rebellious son should be stoned without further ado. (Deut. 21: 18-21) We will also find that "keeping" also refers to obeying (Jn. 14:15, 23)
We see in the Lord Jesus Christ the example of an obedient son. He was obedient to the will of his Father (John 6: 38-39); He was in no way inferior to the Father, and said, "I and the Father are one" (Jn. 10:30). According to Philippians 2: 5-8, Jesus became obedient until death. His “food” being the will of the one who sent it (John 4:34). Similarly. In his childhood the Lord is subject to his earthly mother and Joseph. See Luke 2:51.

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