jueves, 2 de enero de 2020

¿What are the steps to have true regret?

How can anyone really repent and achieve the life that God promises, but this does not mean that they do not have to spend a lot of time ... but if the person is arrogant or hard but God does not want anyone to be lost but everyone to proceed to repentance.
First you have to hear the gospel
And how will they believe in the one from whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without a preacher? Romans 10:14, Many people have religion but have not even heard the gospel or heard the manipulations of the gospel. But they have not heard the true gospel. The gospel is a Greek word that means good news or good news, but more than a definition of an original word, it is better to know what the gospel means for every man and woman; that his many sins can be forgiven by God, if he repents with all his heart and TRUST JESUS ​​as the SON OF GOD who paid the guilt of his sins by SPILLING HIS BLOOD AND DELIVERING HIS LIFE for the sinner. Mark 1: 14,15; John 3: 16-21 

You must know your sins:
You must analyze your own life and see your sins Luke 5: 31-32 1Answering Jesus, he said to them: Those who are healthy do not need a doctor, but the sick. 32I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. People tend to become proud and feel very good. And these words were addressed to people full of sin but they felt holy! People who do not recognize their sins have no chance for salvation . What sins? The sins that the Bible says. Galatians 5: 19-21; Romans 1: 21-32; Revelation 21: 8, etc.     

The sins you have done in your whole life, you may have forgotten them, but God, do not forget them, he has in mind every act of yours that has been against his Law, God has the record of the place, the time and the exact minute, where you committed each sin. And every sin deserves the death penalty. Romans 6:23; In the Book of Kings you can see how God sees the sin of a people, caused by someone who had died years ago, God is well aware of each of your sins. Even after your death, but you regret them. 2 Kings 15: 9, 18, 24,28
God sees the sins of your whole life
God has not forgiven them
Not only is recognizing your sins you should feel shame for your sin .
Jeremiah 8: 12 Have you been ashamed of having abominated? They certainly have not been ashamed in the least ...   
Many people who are scoundrels and say “If I did it and that” they do not have the treatment of the Spirit, they do not start to analyze how their sins have done such damage as to feel shame
God does not see sin as you, God sees as the Sin as it hurts throughout history and how it will harm you, your family, your children and grandchildren. For example a drunk. As God sees your bitterness, your lusts, anger and courage. It is a personal obligation to know sins and know how to be ashamed, meditate on them and seek the grace of God.
Acts 2: 36-38
36 Know, then, most certainly all the house of Israel, that to this Jesus whom you crucified, God has made you Lord and Christ. 37 Upon hearing this, they were heartbroken, and said to Peter and the other apostles: Men, brothers, what shall we do? 38Pedro said to them: Repent, and let each one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.    
Here these people were made to understand that the man they had sacrificed was THE SON OF GOD who now GOD HAS ESTABLISHED HIM AS LORD AND CHRIST. Then people get involved (pierced the heart) feel shame and ask What are we going to do! Peter tells them Repent! But not as hypocrites do, because they care about proselyting people and nothing will help you because you would be a candidate to go to hell nothing more than passed through water, then YOU WILL RECEIVE THE GIFT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. They repented from the heart it is necessary to be ashamed, analyze your life and see how God sees you, with an end, so that you leave your sins. 
"I don't have to feel shame for my sin"
Many people say that everything Jesus demands about repentance is an exaggeration or they say they cannot do what God asks, because it is a lot, you know how to do many other things but you cannot repent? If you think like that, then better say, I don't want to regret it, but don't say you can't do something that God himself is asking of you, and he isn't going to ask the man for something he can't do.
Do good .
Isaiah 1: 16-19
16 Wash and clean yourselves; take away the iniquity of your works from before my eyes; stop doing evil; 17 learn to do good; seek the judgment, restore the victim, do justice to the orphan, protect the widow.          
18Come then, says Jehovah, and let us be aware: if your sins are like grana, like snow they will be whitened; if they were red like crimson, they will become like white wool. 19If you want and hear, you will eat the good of the earth  
It is not a religion of not sinning but you will also seek judgment, then you will reach conclusions of who you have been unjust and you will return to, you will help the orphan and the widow, in a few words you have to kill your selfishness
Ezekiel 18: 31-32
31 Cast away all your transgressions with which you have sinned, and become a new heart and a new spirit. Why will you die, house of Israel? 32For I do not want the death of the one who dies, says Jehovah the Lord; become then and you will live      
One has to become a heart of flesh and not expect God to do what we have to do, you have to sensitize your heart to God and your neighbor. You start loving and giving yourself.

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