martes, 7 de enero de 2020


¿If we ask: what is eternal life?
Most people will respond that eternal life is what happens to our soul after our body dies. Many people really do not know what eternal life is, and it is enough for them to be able to know it until they die.
The problem is that if we wait to die to know, it will be too late, and what will happen to the rich man Jesus speaks of in Luke 16: 19-31.
God wants us to know what eternal life is and to receive it today, not until we die. Do you want to KNOW what eternal life is and how to obtain it?
Jesus explains to us ...
And this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.
John 17: 3
Eternal life IS knowing the ONLY True God, the one in the Bible, and his Son Jesus Christ whom He sent to save us from the wages of sin, which is eternal death. When we know the True God and Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, we get eternal life, which begins at the moment we recognize this truth.
A truth that is not revealed through flesh and blood (people), but through God the Father and whom Jesus Christ wants to reveal. Has God already revealed this truth to you?
God says: "Call to ME, and I will answer you, and teach you great and hidden things that you do not know." It is necessary to seek it with a willing heart, open the Scriptures and meditate on them; To be poor in spirit recognizing that we need to know the true God and not the God we have created with our mind.
It is not believing in God that will give us eternal life, demons also believe in God and tremble (because they already know where they are going to stop); but to know the ONLY True God through an encounter with Jesus Christ.
No one has ever seen God, but Jesus Christ has made it known to us. It is only through the gift that God gives us in His Son Jesus Christ, that we can know the True God and inherit eternal life. Jesus said: "He who has seen me has seen the Father."
God wants us to know how to obtain eternal life with Him, a spiritual life that begins on the day you receive it in your heart. And because the Bible says so, we also know that when our body dies, we will receive another glorified body and live as the book of Revelation says: in a heavenly place where there will be no more suffering, no hunger, no thirst, no pain. The Lamb, Jesus Christ, will lead us to springs of waters of life and God will wipe away every tear from our eyes (Revelation 7: 16-17).
God has left us all written in His Word, the Bible, so that we KNOW that we have eternal life by Believing in Him, and that we are not deceived by false prophets who can manipulate us or who want to "sell" us to reach heaven.
It is on this earth, while our body is still alive, that God wants to give us the eternal spiritual life that begins when we know Him in a personal relationship through Jesus.
I have written these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that YOU KNOW that you have eternal life.
1 John 5:13
It is not for those who believe in God, in any god, but for those who believe in the name of the Son of God, in Jesus Christ, who KNOW that we have eternal life from now on.
If you still don't have the security of your eternal life, God wants you to KNOW that you have it by believing in HIS SON JESUS ​​CHRIST. Receive the gift of Salvation today, Jesus will enter your heart if you open it, and the Holy Spirit will guide you to the whole Truth of God's Word. It will bring conviction of sin into your life, you will receive the gift of repentance, you will know that Jesus went to the cross to forgive all your sins (even if you want to call them mistakes or ignorance, God says they are sins) and you will get a new life in HIM and certainty of eternal life. Make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life and decide to live under his lordship, because He has come to give us life, and life in abundance.
Because God loved the world in such a way, that he gave his only begotten Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not get lost, but have eternal life.
John 3:16

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