In the book of Revelation we find a haunting vision of four
fearsome horsemen (Revelation 6: 1-8). Each of these horsemen is a symbol
of four types of punishment that will be inflicted on a rebellious humanity. Are
we beginning to see the fulfillment of these ancient prophecies?
Each horseman of the Apocalypse represents one of the main crises
that the world has faced for centuries, but that will reach their maximum
expression in the end times. But very few of those who have tried to
understand these horsemen have kept in mind a simple principle: the Bible
interprets its own symbols. The last book in the Bible is the
"revelation of Jesus Christ" (Revelation 1: 1). Wouldn't it be
fitting for him to play the four horsemen himself?
When Christ explains his prophecy of the Mount of Olives (Matthew
24) he draws an amazing parallel with the mysterious four horsemen (Revelation
6). Jesus Christ begins by explaining that there will be religious
deception (Matthew 24: 4-5), who is the first rider on the white horse
(Revelation 6: 2). Then the red horse (Revelation 6: 4) will be wars
and rumors of wars (Matthew 24: 6-7). The rider on the black horse
(Revelation 6: 5-6) is identified with famines (Matthew 24: 7). Finally,
the rider on the yellow horse mentioned in Revelation 6: 8 is explained by
Jesus Christ: "And there will be ... plagues" (Matthew 24: 7).
The amazing origin of the “coronavirus”
Several studies have pointed out that the source strain of the
deadly Asian virus is related to bats. A quirky bat soup bowl is
popular in southern China, and is common in Wuhan City, where the virus would
have originated! Others consider it likely that the snake may have been an
intermediate host.
Animals such as foxes, salamanders, rats, shellfish, octopus,
bats, wolf cubs, koalas, snakes, crocodiles, and porcupines, among others, were
sold and consumed at the Wuhan Town Market.
Although China is the epicenter of the outbreak of this virus and
the most affected country, the coronavirus has already spread to other
countries in Southeast Asia and cases have also been detected in Europe and
America. In the age of the plane, nations no longer live in relative
isolation, separated by vast oceans or days and weeks of travel. Now, a
potential disease carrier can infect another country or continent thousands of
miles away, all in a matter of hours. So far, there are more than 300 dead
and there are thousands of infected. The numbers increase hour after hour,
putting health officials around the world on alert.
The Amazing Biblical Laws of Health
Many of the laws and statutes that God gave to Israel contribute
directly to the elimination of the origin of diseases. For example, the
seventh commandment says, "You shall not commit adultery." This
simple order from God is insurance against HIV, gonorrhea, syphilis, the human
papilloma virus, and herpes. The dietary laws in the book of
Leviticus, for many, are among the most baffling instructions in the Bible. Many
critics have claimed for centuries that the food laws in this book are
arbitrary and irrational, the product of primitive superstitions. But the
Bible states that better health and long life would be only two of the benefits
of obeying the Creator (Deuteronomy 4:40; 7: 12-15).
Both bats and snakes are animals that the Bible forbids eating
(Leviticus 11). Those animals are not designed for our food! Compliance
with this simple law would have prevented deaths from this new strain of virus.
Many of the laws and statutes that God gave to Israel contribute
directly to the elimination of the origin of diseases. For example, the
seventh commandment says, "You shall not commit adultery." This simple order from God is insurance against HIV,
gonorrhea, syphilis, the human papilloma virus, and herpes.
God also told the Israelites to bury their bodily waste
(Deuteronomy 23:12, 13), instead of using it to pollute rivers, as is done today. This
simple preventive measure, if followed, would virtually eliminate the threat of
devastating water-borne diseases like dysentery, cholera, typhoid, hepatitis,
and others.
Sanitation, cleanup and quarantine were also emphasized. Lepers
and sick people were to isolate themselves from the main group of Israelites. Houses
that harbored diseases were quarantined (Leviticus 14: 33-38) and then
thoroughly washed (verses 39-42).
Procedures were also given for the treatment of people with
various types of sores and infections (see Leviticus 15). Virtually
everything the person touched was considered contaminated, including dishes,
clothing, and even where he sat.
Adhering to these laws, even in our "advanced" 21st
century, could greatly alleviate the suffering of millions of people around the
world today.
What's coming
We have not yet seen the latest widespread epidemics, but the
future outlook for disease is not encouraging, beyond what ultimately ends up
happening with the coronavirus.
The good news is that Jesus Christ will return to this Earth to
establish the Kingdom of God, and his laws will be implemented throughout the
world (Isaiah 2: 2-4), resulting in vigorous health and a society free from all
ailments. Jesus Christ will return to save humanity from the triple threat
of war, famine and disease. He will end all war-related activities (Micah
4: 3), which will go a long way in reducing the propensity for epidemics and
Rivers and streams are too polluted to support any kind of life
(see Revelation 8: 10-11 and 16: 4). To correct this situation, living
waters will begin to flow from Jerusalem to heal the world's water supply
(Zechariah 14: 8; Ezekiel 47: 8).
The world agricultural system will be revolutionized and men will
no longer have to endure malnutrition diseases (Amos 9: 13-14). The
crowded and disease-ridden cities will not continue. Every human being
will have the right to his own land (Micah 4: 4). But even more
importantly, the Holy Spirit will be poured out and humanity will begin to live
according to the system of divine principles and laws.
In the Millennium humanity will finally understand what it means
to be truly free of disease and pests. The disease will then be something
that men will read in their history books.
If God is calling you, you have an extraordinary role to play in
that wonderful world of tomorrow.
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