miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2020

Life: before, now and after.

Life What exactly is it? What existed before you existed? How should we live our life now? What happens after this life is over?
Humans think a lot about life. Sometimes we wonder what it was like before we arrived on the scene — historical novels and movies often give us a romantic idea and appeal to our curiosity about what other people's lives are like.
But above all, we wonder how we can face the experience of our current life. How do we face the challenges, the pains, the successes and the failures, the ups and downs?
Going a little deeper, however, there are quite disturbing questions. Does life have a transcendent purpose? If so, what is it? If God exists, what does He expect of us? What does He have in mind for our life?
How can we know? Does He reveal to us what he has designed for us?
Then one of the most difficult questions arises, the one that everyone has always asked himself. What happens when life ends? Is heaven really the reward of the saved, as so many Christians believe? How will that be exactly? How can we know?
And what happens to the other side of this equation - is there any traumatic and terrible experience after death for the damned? Is the concept of a hell that never goes out biblically correct? Will we reincarnate as others believe, and will we be recycled in another way of life? Or — the vainest concept of all — nothing will happen, because life means nothing?

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